Lockdown & Beyond: The Virtual Office

Lockdown & Beyond: The Virtual Office

The virtual office and electronic/digital signatures, in lock down and beyond:

Without much notice, staff are sent home to work remotely. The impact resulting from this is multifold; old paper-based processes becoming difficult. Organisations are ill equipped for this change, and so efficiency and productivity plummets.

An Enterprise Electronic Signature application can make a significant contribution to enabling the new work-from-home a reality. This application is designed around an organisations processes and approval frameworks for contracts and any document types.

Not only does it enable the signing of internal documents, but also for 3rd party engagements, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Electronic & digital signatures are legal, robust and compliant – with the locally relevant legislation. It can be implemented either in the cloud or on premise.

Lockdown & Beyond: The Virtual Office
Lockdown & Beyond: The Virtual Office

RealystSignatures will allow:

  • Signatures on any type of document, with full audit trail and two factor authentication
  • For external or 3rd party signatures, only access to the internet is required
  • For the removal of paper, the need to print, scan and courier, decreasing the time it takes for the signing process to minutes instead of days.

Electronic/digital signature technology will enable staff to approve and sign from any location.

Our aim is to provide you with meaningful content on the latest affairs of future proofing your organisation by going digital. We share tips and steps on how to do so, where to start, and why it is so important.

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Contact the Realyst Team to book an online demo here. Click here for more information on RealystSignatures as our stand alone solution.