Contract Management

Contract Management in the Public Sector

Your 4 Key Duties & How We Can Help

Company secretaries are responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. As the Company Secretary, you are the key governance professional within your organization. We are aware that the vast responsibilities and duties placed upon you are heavy and time consuming. We embarked on a market …

Your 4 Key Duties & How We Can Help Read More »

Why is Contract Management so hard?

Why is contract management so hard?

For decades now research houses, consultants and software vendors have been preaching the benefits of contract management, often quoting Governance and compliance, collecting all revenue due, shortening the sales cycle, saving money by identifying unwanted contracts, as reasons to adopt a contract management solution or practice. Simply miss a key date on a strategic contract, …

Why is contract management so hard? Read More »